How to use carnivore in a sentence. Example sentences with the word carnivore. The most voted sentence example for carnivore is for the owners of the ivy to worry. Learn how to use carnivorous in a sentence with 75 example sentences on yourdictionary. Please find below our selected examples of carnivore in a sentence.
Lions are known for being powerful carnivores in the wild. Some people choose to follow a carnivore diet, which. Eye worms are found in a variety of animals including dogs, cats and certain wild carnivores. I certainly don't think it would be any harder or more difficult than many other carnivores. Any living creature that eats meat.
Examples of carnivore in a sentence. The tiger is a carnivore who kills his own food. If you are a carnivore at heart, you will be. Learn how to use carnivore in a sentence with 19 example sentences on yourdictionary. Example sentences for carnivore ) that toothy, ruthless carnivore shows up in this familiar exchange: Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a camel? Learn how to use carnivores in a sentence with 40 example sentences on yourdictionary. How to use carnivore in a sentence? Review 25 sentence examples with carnivore to better understand the usage of carnivore in context. Instead, my carnivores palate led me to the bread steak.
If you've ever been curious about Use Carnivore In A Sentence, you're not alone, 💡 some seek this information for legal concerns, others for general awareness, staying informed with precise and recent data is essential. The internet is full of data, but not all of it is trustworthy, but with the right resources, you can uncover the facts you need. In this article, we'll break down everything you should know about Use Carnivore In A Sentence, 🏷️ shedding light on crucial facts, misunderstandings, and why it is relevant.