More than one gunsmith will charge you $200, on top of $200 in new parts, for a trigger job. Have you had a chance to look at/feel the tidbits for obvious problems? I wouldnt do my own 1911 trigger job without a proper stoning jig. That's what i used. And a good jig, both of which i am happy to let you borrow.
Haven't done one in over 10 years but. This weekend i took the delta elite apart and started doing a trigger job with the stock parts. Before i started the trigger pull was probably 6 pounds, and there was a lot of creep. I've done a lot of different triggers and i think the 1911 is the one i would say do not even attempt without a jig and experience. The reason is that the sear face has two cuts (primary and relief) and they are critical to getting no creep and good hammer capture.
Doing a safe and light trigger job is not for the novice , it involves stoning and smoothing the trigger track, setting the proper angle, both primary and secondary of the sear , squareing the hammer notch , smoothing and polishing all surfaces including the trigger bow.
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If you've ever been curious about 1911 Trigger Job Without Jig, you're not alone, 💡 some seek this information for legal concerns, others for general awareness, getting reliable and current details has never been more crucial. With so much information online, separating fact from fiction isn't always easy, however, using credible sources ensures you get accurate details. In this article, we'll break down everything you should know about 1911 Trigger Job Without Jig, 🖌️ highlighting important insights, myths, and its overall significance.